Yes, you read that right. The game is finally being worked on again after over half a damn decade XD… oops

The game is currently being ported to RPG Maker MV. Yes, I said PORTED rather than REMADE. Turns out it was extremely easy to do.

You may also notice the new title. Yes, I’ve wanted to change the name of this game for so long.. And now is that time. Once this update has been released, I’ll work on updating all of the screenshots, the game’s description, the URL.. um… everything.. just.. everything!

For anyone wondering what will happen to the original game. It will be removed from this page indefinitely. However, The game can still be downloaded in all of it’s cringy, unfinished.. ahem.. “glory” by simply clicking the link right here

Oh. and for those who are curious… Yes, the new game WILL be open source as well as free. My intention was to get the game sold on Steam, and yet with such a rocky foundation, I doubt it will ever sell. A full remake may occur somewhere in the distant future. But for now, I’ll be continuing to work on this version as close to the original story as I can remember.

New game icon!

Please be aware that these screenshots are all I have so far. They are also VERY work in progress image.png image.png

Thank you all so much for being so patient while I.. uh.. sat on this game and did literally nothing with it XD. Please be aware that this game will not be my top priority as I have other things to do. But once I’ve finished everything else, I will start working on this game as much as I can. Thank you!

~ Pikakid98

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